Wolf-Hybreds are wonderful pets and can be a wonderful addition to your family, but they are still wild animals and require special care. A wolf - hybred is a pack animal and must be treated as such. They depend on you to fulfill their pack needs and if you don't they will bond with each other and leave you out making them dangerous to you, beause with a wolf you are eaither a part of the pack or a threat to it. There is no in between with them.

Wolf-dogs rarely bark and when they do it is when their territory is being invaded and they sond the alarm with one or two barks or howls and then thats enough. They do howl which is what Sierria is doing in this picture she is talking to the camera trying to get my attention. They will also howl at sirens as other dogs do, but their howl is much more distinctive and realistic then that of the average dog.

To proof my point our wolves are so quiet that it was two years before anyone in our neighborhood even knew we had them. They were notified when we decided to skip a breeding season and we separated the wolves well they were not pleased to say the least and the whole neighborhood of the call of the wild.

Sierria and Dakota

Sierria came into our lives at 8 weeks old and Dakota joined us a year latter at 5 weeks old they both lived attached to us at the hip for the first two years of their lives in order to make sure they bonded completely to us and allowed us to take the alpha role in their lives. My husband and I don't have kids of our own, but we do work with at risk teens when called on so we knew it was of the utmost importance to sociallize the dogs to children from day one and so we did. Now it doesn't matter if the dogs go two months or two years without seeing a child at 8 and 9 years old they are the biggest babies alive and wouldn't hurt a fly let alone a child.












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                                Thanks and God Bless You and Yours!