Shyans Humble beginnings!

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Shyann started life in the middle of the night Dec. 23, 2002, stuck in the birth canel behind her breached brother for hours it was feared she would not make it.

We arrived at the vets office at midnight and were in surgery by 1:00 am after many attempts at saving both babies only Shyann and her mother survived the ordeal. For the next few weeks everyone pitched in to give Shyann her best shot at a wonderful life. 

Katie, Shyanns mom took on the feedings, King her father both seen in the background did the cleaning and protecting while Katie got her strength back. I saw that all the dogs were kept in shape, trained and socialized, which is very important durring a puppies formidable months. Shyann began visiting elderly homes by 12 weeks of age and loves every minnute of it. 


Special Tip: In most cases dogs are able to give birth with few to no complications, but there are times when special precautions should be taken as were Katie and Shyann.

Precautions should be taken with first time mothers, older mothers, and when the delivery date is on or within 72 hours of a weekend or holiday. In Katies case she met all three criterias she was a five year old giving birth to her first litter between Dec. 23, and Dec. 25.  The ultrasound determined she would have 4 puppies and the specialist said to expect 2 to be hiding behind the ribs. With this size of a litter we expected the puppies to be small enough for katie to deliver them, but there had been a mistake in the ultrasound reading and there were only 2 very large pups.

It was the precautions I took that saved her life and the life of at least one of her pups. I began checking her temp 2 days prior to the due date and as soon as the temp dropped I had my regular vet check her and took his home phone number in case she began to have trouble, which she did and I was able to reach my vet and we met at the Hospital and saved her life together.

The number one precaution you can take for any situation is to have a good relationship with your vet and his employees. Remember he has your pets life in his hands. I was able to not only save my pet the stress of driving 30 minutes to the closest all night vet where she would be treated by a stranger, I was able to save the cost of an emergency call because I had a good relationship with my vet. 

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It is a family friendly site that not only offers more tips and resources. It also offers discount items for your whole family including your pets. It provides a place to purchase a variety of pets from birds to dogs along with everything they need to live a long and healthy life.  You can always return to this site when your shopping is done simply by clicking on the pet tips link and then clikcing on pet tips pg 2 and you'll be back on this part of the site.

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                                Thanks and God Bless You and Yours!