Hey! all you pet lovers out there why not join our site. We'd love to have you and pass along any of your helpful pet tips to our friends. Knowledge is a wonderful gift and you can never have to much especially where our fine fury and feathered friends are concerned.
If you are interested in adding your link to my site please e-mail me at shelties4jesus@sbcglobal.net with your site link and I will review it and get back to you. If you would like to link my site to yours please do the same and I will check out your site and again get back to you. Thanks Cindy
Tip #1: Research your prospective pet before buying it an informative choice is a wise choice.
Tip #2: Spay and neuter all pets no latter than 5 months of age to avoid any unwanted litters. It can also prevent male dominant traits such as spraying and the marking of territories.