Give your pet a Valentine have their teeth cleaned.

Perodontal diease, and Gengivitas affect an increasing number of pets each year and can lead to other health problems.

Says Dr. Gary Goldstein, Board Certified by the American Veterinarian College and associate clinical specilists at the Veterinarian Medical Center of Minnesota.

If untreated he says Peridontal diease can be a potential contributating factor to dieases of other parts of the body, such as the heart or kidneys.   

Yearly dental exams and daily or weekly brushing is essential to keeping your pet healthy. 

A deep cleaning, antibiotics and future upkeep can be helpful in reversing the diease and any other dieases the the dental problems created.

Proper Diet, Sleep, Exercise and Grooming habits are essntial to a well ballanced lifestyle. It is also important to maintain regular Medical, Vision and Dental visits.

Tip for the day: Preventive care is always eaisier, and much more affordable than corrective care.

Be sure to always dry your dog off completely.

Bath time is a very important part of your pets life, but it can also be a very stressfull time for both you and your pet. This is why I can't stress enough how important it is to start your new pup on a regular bath routine from the day it enters your home. 

You should  practice massaging your pup from head to toe on a regular basis. Your pup should learn right away to stand for examination, to have it's teeth looked at and its paws handled in and around all of its toes. 

If you practice these excercises your pup will be alot eaisier to handle durring bath time, grooming, and vet checks creating less stress for both you and your pup.

Dental care

It is very important to make sure your dog is completely dry before releasing it to play again. Teaching your dog to sit and stay while bathing aids in a quick and less stressfull bath time. 

A bathtime that includes a dog constantly jumping out of the tub, shaking excess water all over the place or refusing to sit and be dried off eaither with a towel or a blow dryer is a frustrating and painful bath time. These types of behaviors double the time it takes to give and clean up after the bath.

Remember when using a blow dryer to always keep a close eye on the temperature and not let the blow dryer get to hot and burn your pet.


Dental hygene is just as important to your pets health as it is to your families health. Daily to weekly brushing along with a supply of veterinarian approved dental chews are crucial factors in maintaining good dental heath.  Regular checkups for both your pet and your family are also very important to the whole family. 

Remember to always use pet toothpaste for your pet and people paste for your family they are not enterchangeable. Toothpaste that is made for humans can be harmful for your pet. Never use any products on your pets that are not made for them without first consulting your veterinarian.

Rest and relaxation

Proper nutrition and excercise is important for all your pets. Excercise can be in the form of playtime or in the form of a favorite sport like Agility or flyball. Feel free to visit our Agility page for more info.

When deciding what types of nutrition and excercise regiments best suits your family and your pet make sure you take all health issues, age and limitations into account before starting any excercise programs or changing yours' diet or your pets diet. If unsure what plans are best for you or your pet consult your doctor and your veterinarian.

Cockatiel and doves

Getting plenty of rest is essential to growing into a healthy and happy family.

Wing clipping

Eating as a family helps the bonding process. Mealtime is a great time to connect with your family and get caught up on the ins and outs of our daily lives.

I use mealtime to check my birds eyes, feet, beaks and feathers for any problems that they may have.

Clipping flight feathers

When clipping your birds wings it's very important that you do it with as little stress as possible. Stress is the number one killer of  pet birds. The more you handle your birds and get them used to being upside down and having thier wings handled the eaisier wing clipping will be. It is only neccessary to clip the first seven feathers. These are known as the flight feathers.

Never clip them more than a third of the way up the back of your bird. If you do cause bleeding Kwick Stop is the best way to stop the bleeding, but baking powder or flour will work in an emergency. If the bleeding does not stop withen a few minute contact your veterinarian or local pet store that deals in birds..

                                      Sassalot Shelties Discount Zone is the main hub of this site.

 It is a family friendly site that not only offers more tips and resources. It also offers discount items for your whole family including your pets. It provides a place to purchase a variety of pets from birds to dogs along with everything they need to live a long and healthy life.  You can always return to this site when your shopping is done simply by clicking on the pet tips link and then clikcing on pet tips pg 2 and you'll be back on this part of the site.

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                                 Thanks and God Bless You and Yours!